The thing about jumpers

Views : 378
Author : Yulia
Update time : 2022-09-27 09:09:17

For those who are engaged in the integrated wiring industry, the jumper is a product we are all familiar with. With the development of the information network, in the integrated wiring system, the demand for link reliability is getting higher and higher, and the project acceptance needs to pass the permanent link test, but because the permanent link test does not include equipment jumpers and user jumpers , and users need to use copper jumpers when using them. The use of poor quality jumpers will affect the overall link performance, which in turn affects the transmission efficiency and stability of the network. Therefore, the quality of the jumper determines the transmission performance of the entire link to a certain extent. So how do we judge the quality of a jumper, we can analyze it from the jumper wire, crystal head, glue, and testing.

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